
Subversion build for unix-like OSes

Prerequisites :
  1. Make sure that you have installed the following libraries :
  2. It is recommended that you also install those optional libraries :
  3. You can also install the following programs :
  4. Get the subversion code :
    svn co mp3splt-project
Automatic :
  • As root, go in the mp3splt-project directory and type :
    make root_install
Manual :
Libmp3splt build :
  1. Go in the mp3splt-project/libmp3splt directory and type :
  2. After that, type :

    You can disable the use of ogg vorbis with "./configure --disable-ogg"

    You can disable the use of id3tag with "./configure --disable-id3tag"

    You can disable the use of FLAC with "./configure --disable-flac"

  3. Compile the library :
  4. Install the library :
    (you have to install the library to compile mp3splt-gtk)
    make install

    You have to be root to install the library

  5. Type this line as root :
    if [ -z `grep '/usr/local/lib' /etc/` ];then `echo '/usr/local/lib' >> /etc/` && ldconfig;else ldconfig;fi
Mp3splt build :
  1. Go in the mp3splt-project/newmp3splt directory and type :
  2. After that type :
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH && ./configure
  3. Compile the program :

    The mp3splt binary is in the mp3splt-project/newmp3splt/src directory

  4. Install the program (optional) :
    make install

    You have to be root to install the program.

Mp3splt-gtk build :
  1. Go in the mp3splt-project/mp3splt-gtk directory and type
  2. After that type :
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH && ./configure

    You can also use the '--enable-gstreamer' and '--enable-audacious' parameters to configure. It is recommended to use '--enable-gstreamer'.

  3. Compile the program :

    The mp3splt-gtk binary is in the mp3splt-project/mp3splt-gtk/src directory

  4. Install the program (optional) :
    make install

    You have to be root to install the program

Mp3splt-project do not own the logos or the icons of this page. Please see the icons licenses.